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I don’t always drink beer.  But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.”


These words are, of course, from the wildly successful ad campaign created by Euro RSCG (now Havas Worldwide) in 2006 for Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewery’s Dos Equis brand.  Jonathan Goldsmith played The Most Interesting Man in the World for 10+ years and ended each ad with the line “Stay Thirsty My Friends”.


In popular culture, The Most Interesting Man in the World became an internet meme, with a picture of Goldsmith and an accompanying paraphrased line, “I don’t always ____.  But when I do, I ____.

The strategy behind the brand was to define the character as a man rich in fun, outrageous experiences.  And consumers responded well with sales enjoying strong growth over the lifetime of the campaign.


Brand Positioning vs. Brand Personality


When we refer to brand positioning, we are usually describing what differentiates one brand from another. However, with brand personality we are describing the consistent set of characteristics a brand presents itself with that its consumer segment enjoys or identifies with.


In the consumer world: Harley Davidson is the rebel, Johnson & Johnson is the protector, and Victoria Secret is the seducer.  These brands are successful because they all follow a set of guidelines:


  1. They have a dedicated marketing plan – Their brand personality didn’t just happen, it was the result of a proper marketing plan. They know who their consumer is and how to reach them.

  2. They think analytically – There is nothing random about their branding. Understanding what their customer wants (and what they aren’t getting from their competition) is key.

  3. They know who they are – Their brand personality is strong because it never professes to something it’s not. In short, it’s genuine.

  4. They are fully committed to branding – Many Fortune 500 companies are the successes they are because of smart branding. Marketing isn’t off doing its own thing. The whole company fully embraces the culture of their brand personality.

  5. They maintain their brand – They know their brand personality must be nurtured to be successful. Consistency is what their consumers rely on.

  6. They don’t try to appease everyone – Their brand personality is designed to own a market segment determined by research. They don’t try to be all things for all people. Focus is key.



If this sounds like to kind of branding you want, we should talk.

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